More Edinburgh Fringe - Aug. 11, 2019

The hotel we're staying at his bare-bones, a tiny lobby and adequate sized rooms, but it fits our needs perfectly as it is very close to the bridges up to High St. they do have a breakfast but it's a hold boxed breakfast. Just around the corner is a Sainsburys, the one where we get our granola bars and cookies. Throw in some bananas and blueberries at its the perfect breakfast for two people on the go. The tablecloth is a bandanna that was a gift over 20 years ago to Linda from her mom, it makes any of our picnic meals family meals.

If you know what you want to see, and the shows are half priced, this is the place to buy your tickets. We go over all the shows, pick the ones we like to see, then at 10 o'clock in the morning they post on the website the shows that will be half-price that day. It's a little over five minute walk from our hotel to here, and after a brief wait in the line we've got our tickets.

These are the two we buy tickets for today, however with the free shows you simply go Que up anywhere from a half an hour to 10 minutes before the show begins, no tickets required. The free shows are a bit of a misnomer, because after it's over there is always the person holding out the bucket looking for whatever you feel like paying. I've got to say some of our truly worth paying for, but others are give them a smile and walked past. We just try to remember that no performer is ever turned away from fringe, though some of them shouldn't bother coming in the first place.

It rained all day today sometimes gently sometimes hard, that's me in the yellow jacket and hood near the corner.

This was the stage for a pickpocket show we went to, and yes of all the performances we've been to there has only been one we haven't managed to get there early enough to get front row seats. This was a case of his skills were good but his persona lacked that pizzazz that makes you want to come back again. It involved such things as a lie detector test, pick pocketing, and phone scamming. As we've learned there's no limit to what the performances at fringe or about.

This was a long long day for us, and the rain never let up, it just rained harder at times. There is no photography of any of the shows so that's why there are so few photos.


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