A School, Family and Woodshop Visits Day - 20 Nov. 2018


An assignment is given this morning. We are split into two groups and the captains are given their instructions.


We were in Peggy’s group. We each donated some money and then were charged with shopping at a local supermarket, using the provided item list.


Zimbabwe is a poor country and many people walk to their destination.



The kids who were selected to be our companions during the visit. It was a great reward to the kids who had learned to read, write and speak very well.


Nyasha was my buddy.A fourth grader, he spoke English extremely well. His goal in Life is to become a pilot. He can do math in his head faster than I can, and I’m no slouch. I have no doubt he will reach his goal.


Adiola was Linda’s buddy. She is also in the fourth grade. Her goal in Life is to be a teacher. Linda says she would make a great one.


What do you do when one of the kids has a cast on his wrist? You sign it.


Nyasha showing off his writing skills.


The kids loved learning where different members of our group lived using this globe.


Working under difficult conditions, their teachers do a wonder job of teaching and motivating the kids. Unlike in our schools, it is not all math and science, though they are taught, they also teach life skills.


We are welcomed to the village by the Head Man. His wife is looking up at him, and later she told us he may be the Head Man, but he still takes orders from her.




As the Head Man talked to us, some of the women were weaving grass baskets. To bind the grass together they were using stands they unraveled from a plastic feed sack.


With chickens running loose where the Head Man was talking, was Linda listening to him, or was she taking photos of the chickens? This big guy was just like the one on her farm that chased her down the drive to the school bus every morning.


Kitchen stove. Much of humanity cooks over a wood fire.


Each hen has a place where she can lay her eggs.


What she was taking a photo of.


We was just about to become unhappy about the camera being stuck in front of him.


Or maybe his unhappiness was about what was in his pants.


Before we left there were smiles all around at the two shopping carts of food we gave them.


The “Head Woman” told us Christmas had come early, then pointed out the chicken that would be served tonight once her husband caught it. Like almost all the native people in their country, they live one with nature and are mostly vegetarians. They do not kill the animals that try to eat their crops, instead they attempt to chase them away. If the animal eats some of the crop, it is only fair, as the animals were here before the people. Can you imagine such a thing ever happening in our country?


What’s this all about?


My turn.


Peggy showing her technique.


Th bowl of grilled caterpillars where they came from. Not much flavor, but definitely tough and chewy. It’s one of those, “We can say we did it,” things.


After lunch we visited a woodshop where many of the wooden animals, bowls and other objects we see in all the markets are carved. This how to carve an elephant.


How a carving begins.


You have to know what the wood will give you. (And also where to place your fingers so you still have them when you are done.) They didn’t say it, but we got the idea that power tools were for amateurs other than for final smoothing.



The carver holding the bowl we bought. Is it perfect? No way. Is it real? You bet. It is why we like to buy things from the people who make them. In the shops things are just too perfect.


I need to go on a diet. Which I promise to do once we are home. Pinocchio Bob.


And so ends another day.


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