
Showing posts from April, 2018

A very Long Day Birds and Ruins–Sunday 29 April 2018

Short night, up at 4:45 to go on our first ever birding outing. Our guide is one of the top rated birders in Guatemala. To jump ahead, his passion for birds made the time fabulous. And lest I forget, he was familiar quite with our Retama neighbor, Bert Frenz’s book on Birds of Belize. One additional note, Linda and are not photographers. Most of what we saw was through the spotting scope. The photos below are to give an idea of what we saw starting at dawns first light. Big black bird with yellow crest not often seen. Bird on tree branch. Toucan with something on beak through spotting scope. Big colorful turkey like bird. Guide and beautiful birder. Water bird. We took many more bird photos but these were the ones I was able to positively identify. Non-birder Bob. Typical scene when Mayan temple first comes into view. Testing out a Mayan bed. My preference is for a very firm mattress. This takes the term “extra firm mattress” to an entirely new level. An...

Ceramics, archaeology and travel–Saturday 28 April 2018

Caught a little bug, nothing bad, just coughing, but the other side is my energy level is down. That means shorter posts. The family medical practitioner has brought along enough medications to stock a small pharmacy, so healing is occurring as I type. Luckily. Linda is as fit a ?. My mind short circuits at the thought. and my fingers tire, so on to that short post I promised. Verbose Bob. Best breakfast buffet of the trip. For some reason Linda does not partake of the salsa with the jalapeno on top. There has been hot chocolate available every morning and we hadn’t noticed it before. Two cups for Linda and three for me. I was flying higher than a kite on caffeine overload. Maybe that was were I caught the cough bug. Artist at work. He made this hummingbird out of clay while looking at us most of the time and not what he was doing. Someone asked him how he could do that and he replied, “Experience.” After I is fired he inserts an orange tree thorn to make the bill This a toothpick that...

Volcanos and Chocolate–Friday 27 April 2018

There was an optional tour this morning to climb Pacaya Volcano. It was cancelled because only four people on the tour wanted to go and the minimum was six, so Richard arranged a private climb for those that wanted to go. You can see how excited we four, Pat, Linda, myself and Tom were before we set out on the upward climb. With our guide, Marvin, in the lead, off we went. As we climbed I observed that older groups had an older guide and younger groups had younger guides. Marvin set a good pace at first, but eventually he was seriously sweating and we seemed to have more frequent rest stops. We never did decide if he felt sorry for the mountain goatless that is my spouse, or he was doing it for himself as well. Ten minutes unto the 3.4 KM climb and the strain is already showing on this athletic young woman’s face. I hadn’t heard a “Are almost to the there yet?”, but let’s just say that the rest stops were becoming more frequent. We had begun the climb at 6,000 feet and would cli...

A little bit of this and that - Thursday 26 April 2018

Too many things going on today to write about all of it, so picked a few that tell a story and threw in a number of other photos. It’s a hotel, so we don’t have to make the bed. What the photo shows is the massive amount of thick layers of bedding, most of which Linda throws off the end of the bed when it is time to hit the hay. If she didn’t do it I believe she would dream of a headline in a local newspaper, American tourist crushed by bedding. Bad Bob. Seen at various locations around the hotel, flowers floating on top of water. Very pretty. Other than possibly being smothered by our bedding, we really like this hotel. Anglo tourist was told to use sunscreen. Anglo tourist nearly smothered in sunscreen.  Wonder what she is going to dream about tonight? Last night she woke me up in the middle of the night claiming I was dreaming and kicking her. Tonight she will likely be kicking me as she tries to escape from the giant white blob. Her reaction to the fact that the more she rubbed...