With John and Judy leaving this morning it was a time for saying goodbye, but also a time for exchanging books. It was after they were gone that Linda said to me, "You know that Bill Bryson book?" "Yes, it was really good" I replied. "Well, you're going to laugh at me just as you did reading that book." I was puzzled by her comment, and started to say something when she continued, "I thought those were coffee stains on the front where I'd spilled coffee on it. I was trying to scrub them off when I realized it was a design on the cover." I laughed with her and told her that was really funny. You can bet it was another of those times when I sure wasn't going to tell her what I was thinking. A few days ago we added the replacement ghost shrimp to the aquarium in hopes of controlling an algae outbreak on the leaves of the two plants. Those shrimp may not be perfect eating machines, but they are certainly beginning to clean thin...